Red Kangaroo


scientific name

Macropus rufus

conservation status

Least Concern


Males: 55 - 90 Kilograms Female: 18 - 40 Kilograms


The Red kangaroo primarily eats fresh forbs and grasses.


They generally are found throughout scrubland, grassland, and desert habitats.

The Red Kangaroo is the largest living Marsupial. Like all marsupials, the baby Kangaroo, called a joey, is born after a short gestation period (approx 30-33 days). Immediately after birth, the joey crawls up the mother’s belly, into the pouch. The joey is born undeveloped; it has no eyes, ears, legs, tail or fur. It is the size of a small fingernail. Once inside the pouch, the joey attaches itself to a teat where it will remain, suckling milk for the next several months. The joey will leave the pouch around 7.5 months and is independent at about 12 months of age. The female Red Kangaroo has the ability to care for three joeys, all of different stages of development. The mother is pregnant with the youngest joey; an embryo. The middle joey will be living inside the pouch. The oldest joey will be living outside the pouch, but still suckling milk from the mother. The middle joey and oldest joey drink different strength milk, from individual teats.